Sunday, March 22, 2015

Hey, Ben, You Should Have Stayed Literary Editor, At "Harper's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                           Now, girls, I have to confess--I have not been in a good frame of mind, lately, for reasons I cannot discuss, right now, on this blog.  Except to say there is no "Trouble In Paradise"--my beloved and I are still very much in love, and it is especially during this trying time that I am grateful each day for having him.  Which I would be, regardless.

                               All of this is by way of leading up to the fact that my reading ability and concentration have suffered, which means I really am upset.  But, upset or not, my reaction to Ben Metcalf's first novel, "Against The Country," would be the same--back to you day job, Ben!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Why is it so many ersatz writers think they can compete with James Joyce?????  They can't.  Metcalf's novel is a rambling series of essays that tell the story of an economically deprived family in rural Virginia, while also serving as a rant criticizing American society.  Basically, the omniscient author blames everyone but himself for his family's ills.  Ho hum.

                                Just who the hell is this Ben Metcalf, anyway?  His credentials are impeccable--Literary Editor at "Harper's," teaching at Columbia--but this does not necessarily a writer make.  Methinks, since I cannot find any photos of him, or that none appear on the book jacket, he sees himself also as Thomas Pynchon or Salinger!!!!!!!!!!!  Come on, you have got to be kidding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Some of you may recall my less than praiseworthy review of last year's Southern novel, "Fourth Of July Creek."  Well, next to Metcalf's book, it is a masterpiece; at least the story was compelling, and kept me reading  The formulae may have been overused , but it was harmless and enjoyable.

                                     Metcalf's book was not.  It had all the texture of yesterday's mashed potatoes.

                                     My best advice to him--don't EVER write another book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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