Monday, March 23, 2015

Girls, You Have GOT To See This!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 This is a photo of Sherry Vine, a drag artist, doing Lady Gaga's "Telephone" parody, with another performer, Peppermint, as Beyonce. Which reminds me, that Beyonce bitch still hasn't called me yet about lunch--I even told her I'd be willing to eat at Burger King, which is really lowering the standards. for me!!!!!!!!--so what the hell is her excuse?

                                   Now, Christine Pedi's parody is by far the best, but this captures something of what I at least feel like my life should be, these days.  Or be more like, at least!

                                    But this has got to be seen, girls!  It is one for the books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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