Monday, March 23, 2015

What Do I Think Of These Three Bound For Broadway Musical Movie Adaptations?????????? Not Much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Let's start with "Gigi," girls!  It was first done as a stage adaptation--a musical!!!!!!--in 1973.  It had Arlene Francis, and it flopped, then. So, what makes anyone think this version will be any better???????? As if it could even come close to the 1948 Vincent Minnelli classic, which it can't. That film is just about perfection!

                               Now, "An American In Paris" also has the MGM-Minnelli pedigree, not to mention Nina Foch, and that fabulous ballet with Gene Kelly and Leslie Caron--in her film debut, and later to play "Gigi."  This almost has a degree of potential, and is the only one of the three I have the remotest interest in seeing, because I have seen this film less than the other two, and it is less familiar to film viewers than the others.   The Gershwin score, in house, would be ravishing, and if they really replicate the 20 minute ballet sequence, it could be a successful achievement. Not to compare with the movie, but to stand along beside it.  But can anyone top Gene and Leslie???????

                                 Don't even get me started with "Doctor Zhivago!"  It should not be allowed on Broadway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  To think of anyone beside Julie Christie as Lara is impossible!  I mean, just look--

                               I mean, come on--how does one surpass that?????????????????

                               I nearly flipped out the other night when I saw the advertisement for this show, with the most pallid Zhivago and Lara I have seen this side of first year acting students!   And the nerve--the sheer NERVE of them--to use Maurice Jarre's now classic "Lara's Theme" for the ad!!!!!!!!!  What I want to know is--where did they get the rights?????????

                               These idiots have no business bringing any of these movie classics to the stage. With "Doctor Zhivago," it is sheer crust!  When will everyone stop thinking that just because "Les Miserables" succeeded, every epic novel can be adapted as a musical????????????

                                "Doctor Zhivago's" goose is cooked before it hits the boards!

                                 And if I see "An American In Paris," I will let you girls know!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 But don't bet on these being long runs or TONY Winners!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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