Friday, April 24, 2015

Belated BOTW, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              No, girls, I had not forgotten about Thursday, but when you a re felled by a migraine from things being piled on one, well, what is a Raving Queen to do?  I had this week's Bitch Of The Week all picked out, and here he is--film director David O.,Russell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              This bitch had the temerity to abuse Amy Adams during the filming of "American Hustle;" so much so that Christian Bale had to come to her defense.  Can you imagine?  And he directed her in "The Fighter."

                                 Well, listen, I haven't been in this business long enough not to know that old routine--using abuse as an excuse to get what is wanted out of the performer.  It is called Direction Through Intimidation, and Russell is not the only one to practice it; here in the New York Theater, Joe Mantello is famous for it!

                                  What happened to Amy was similar to Lauren Chapin and Peter Tewkesbury on the "Father Knows Best," set, which I reported on, awhile back.  Amy may have been too classy to do what was needed, but I can tell you I would not have been.  I would have slapped David O. Russell clear across his face, and walked off the set.

                                     Can you believe this bitch, darlings?????????  Amy Adams???????????  I'd like to see him try the same routine with MERYL STREEP!  He would have his balls handed to him on a silver platter, and stuffed down his throat!  And if he keeps up this kind of behavior, he will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Like Denis O'Hare, he will be the South's newest Meep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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