Friday, April 24, 2015

Did Shakespeare And Shirley Temple Ever Work Together??????????????????

                    You think I don't know they lived their lives in two different centuries?  Especially with my Advanced Education at that most People of universities--Network Television In The Sixties???????????

                     But seriously, girls did Shirley and the Bard ever team up?  The Little Rascals did, when they presented that classic "Romeo And Juliet,:" where Buckwheat filled in for Darla!  But, was there ever a Shakespearean number or vignette in any of Shirley's movies???????   Having seen most, but certainly not all-- I still have never seen "Susannah Of The Mounties" yet--of her movies, I cannot think of a single one, where Shakespeare is used?  If I am missing something, please let me know.

                     Yesterday, darlings, happened to be the birthdays of both, and though Shirley has only been gone for slightly over a year, she is an icon who will endure through Time, so both she and Bill still deserve to be remembered on their birthdays.  Unlike the sick scum you see on "Investigation Discovery," who get the Death Penalty, and don't deserve remembrance!  But not Jodi Arias!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      So, if anyone out there can prove to me that Shirley and Shakespeare worked together, I will gladly post it on here!

                        Happy (Belated) Birthdays, Bill and Shirl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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