Saturday, April 25, 2015

I Have The Greatest Idea, Girls---Lady Gaga as "MAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

            Now that quality has been officially brought back to the Winter Garden Theatre, with "Wolf Hall, Parts 1 and 2," (though not a musical) it is time to re-christen it with the show that helped define the glamour behind any musical to play at that theater. And that was "MAME," when it opened there, with Angela Lansbury and Company, on May 24, 1966!!!!!!!!!!!!!

             Of course, the "MAME" of today would have a very different company, starting with Lady Gaga in the title role.  Can you just see here lounging on that staircase, trumpet in hand, belting out "It's Today," with her party guests?  Or how about her alone on stage, singing "If He Walked Into My Life?"  Oh, my God!  And the costumes--just think, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

             Things such as these would set this "MAME" apart from the start. But I would like to go further, with non-traditional gender casting.  Starting with myself as Agnes Gooch, because those who have been on here long enough know I have been waiting for years to walk out on stage, after that monumental Overture, and open the show with "St. Bridget!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  And as for Vera Charles, I think Christopher Sie
ber  (who, I am pretty certain, is currently doing Miss Trunchbull in "Matilda," would be fabulous in that role!!!!!!!!!!!  Just imagine he and Lady Gaga doing "Bosom Buddies!!!!!!!!!"  And how about "The Man In The Moon????????????"

             This has so many possibilities, I want to hear from producers immediately!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Like, right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                "MAME" has not been revived on Broadway in quite a while, darlings!  This would be one guaranteed to "Open A New Window!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                    And, NO, no racist Rosie O'Donnell, making Chinese grimaces, as Ito!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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