Thursday, April 30, 2015

Farewell To An Emotionally Ambivalent Month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Gather round, girls, because there is about to be a Lit (for Literature ) Lesson!  In the opening of his great, epic poem, "The Waste Land," T.S. Eliot declares "April is the cruelest month.........."
When I first studied those words, in college, they were just poetic expression, but my Life Experience has borne them out.

                         My mother passed away on April 2.  My sister's husband died April 5.  This year, there has been a lot of high drama this month, as yet unresolved, though I will find a way to let you now.

                          And even though April always ends with my father's birthday, I am always as glad to see it end as I am apprehensive, when it arrives.

                          Not only have we come to the end of another April, but we are now exactly one third through 2015!!!!!!!!!!  Can you believe it??????????????

                           Thank God for my beloved!  And having you girls along for the ride!

                            See you May!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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