Thursday, April 30, 2015

From "The Birth Of A Nation," To You Tube!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Darlings, I cannot believe what I am about to report.  I have actually comtemplated this day, from the time I was very young, not only for its importance, but for the fact of what age I would be when it took place...the age that I am now, and how did this happen all too soon?

                             Today is my father, Michael J. Hearn, Jr.'s, birthday!!!!!!!!!!  But, not just any birthday, girls!!!!!!!!!  Today is my father's 36, 500th Day On Earth!   That's right, dears; he turns 100!  He has hit the Century Mark!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               And to think he made it, having raised me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               When my father was born, D.W. Griffith was just warming up film history, with "The Birth Of A Nation!"  Maybe that event somehow foreshadowed him having such a culturally-centric child!!!!!!!!!

                                 Because after Griffith's film, my father lived through "Gone With The Wind," four wars--WWI and II, Korea, and Viet Nam, not to mention today's Middle eastern troubles.  But he also lived through my obsession with "The Wizard Of Oz," survived seeing the movie "Woodstock" with me, as well as a midnight--that's right, dears, midnight--showing of Altman's "Nashville," and of course, that Turning Point Day of October 25, 1975--40 years ago, this year--seeing "A Chorus Line" with the Legendary Original Company!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 And that is just for starters!  He didn't just live through a century; he lived through a social mine field!  Capturing all this is impossible, but, with my father's strong ties to Ireland, which he, to a degree, imparted to me, I think I found a way to do so.

                                   Here is Ella Logan, in her  original role as Sharon McLonergan, in "Finian's Rainbow," doing "How Are Things In Glocca Morra!!!!!!!!!!"  The show tune most people think is an authentic Irish song, but it's not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Happy Birthday, Daddy!  Welcome to your Second Century!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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