Monday, April 27, 2015

Girls, It Is Inevitable!!!!!!!!!!!!! We Have To Talk About Bruce Jenner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Bruce Jenner wants to be a woman.  Bruce Jenner is transitioning toward that.  Bruce Jenner is on suicide watch.

                              Why???????????  Because he wants to be a woman??????????????

                               Can you believe, a generation ago, some of us--girls and boys--thought Bruce the hottest thing going????????  Not me, particularly; that manufactured John Davidson look was too pat for me!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 But to exchange John Davidson for Joan Didion????????????  Is that smart??????????

                                 I realize not every man who transitions into a woman can look like Gene Tierney.  Speaking for myself, were I to do such a thing--which I am NOT, so don't anyone get worried!!!!!!!--I would definitely want to look like Grace Kelly!!!!!!!!!!!! Or Blythe Danner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Even by keeping my hair its reddish tint, I I could never make Rita Hayworth or Amy Adams!!!!!!!!!!  And forget Julianne Moore!  I would probably emerge as a carrot topped version of Big Ethel in the Archie comics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 I think Bruce Jenner expected to look glamorous, and was disappointed when he didn't.  Though, at least, that 80's Joan Didion look he got is a lot better than how Joan looks today!!!!!!!!!!!
Now, that is something to get depressed about.  Though I don't think it bothers Joan.  All she does is have another drink, and smoke a cig!  After all, depression is how she makes her living!!!!!!!!!  Why let a good thing go???????

                                   Is Bruce's transition complete????????  Or is it still in progress???????  Has he even begun to think about some designers???????????  Has he even perused an issue of VOGUE????????  Does he know who ANNA is???????????  He really could use the help of both she and Grace!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    I hand it to Bruce for wanting to take this courageous step!  But in a culture where looks count, darlings--and believe me, I know, which is why I never emerge in public without make-up, though the natural looking kind--you have got to value appearance, even if there is only so much you can do!!!!!!!!  Even if Bruce morphs into Belle Watling, it would be a big step beyond 80's Joan Didion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Sorry, Bruce, you're never going to look like Joan in the 70's!!!!!!!!!!  Look how attractive she was!!!!!!!!!!!!  Don't get depressed, Bruce, you may not be a  hottie, anymore, but when you switch to personal freedom from conformity, there is always a price!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Besides, Bruce, you aren't the one who should be depressed!  Joan should be!  I mean, she actually once looked like this, and now she never will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      But, then, she does have a living to make!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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