Monday, April 27, 2015

I Have To Say It, Darlings--Kate McKinnon and Darrell Hammond Do For The Clintons What Christine Pedi Does For Liza--They Are All Better Than The Real Things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       What has kept my sanity, girls, over the last couple of days, was watching and re- watching videos of this talented duo impersonating the Clintons.  Kate McKinnon gets Hillary's venality with gleeful abandon, while Mr. Hammond's impersonation of Bill Clinton is so dead on, I had to look twice to make sure it was Hammond.

                          I wonder what Bill and Hill actually think of this?  I bet they love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           You know I do, darlings!  And you will, after you see what I show you!

                            But, really, now that The Hill has announced plans to run, this is going to be the most interesting campaign in history, as it will supply great material for all, yours truly included. And could we get Tina Fey, as Sarah Palin in there, again, somehow?????????????????????

                             Here is Kate/Hillary announcing her decision to run!  Watch for Bill in that one! And here is Kate again as Hill evades the email scandal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Now, if there could just be one more talented performer to get in there and do a three-way with them, as Monica Lewinsky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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