Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Girls, No Matter What, Fashion Must Remain A Priority!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       No one knew that better than Aunt Pittypat, (aka Sarah Jane Hamilton, of "Gone With The Wind," a book and film many of us on here live as a personal mantra!!!!!!!!) who, when the tough got going, got out the hatboxes and prioritized.  She was as much a survivor, in her own way, as Scarlett, who, once the money came in, was no fashion slouch herself.

                        That is why, girls, you must be ready on every occasion.  Company, a luncheon, having to flee from whomever--you cannot under emphasize fashion. It follows us, wherever we go!
Look at Aunt Pittypat, who is one of the important characters in one of the last century's most important works of fiction, and has a restaurant--Aunt Pittypat's Porch--in Atlanta, named after her.  I am anxious to go there, myself!

                          And you can bet I will be fashionably dressed, darlings!!!!!!!!!  Make sure you are!!!!!!!!!!!!

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