Monday, April 13, 2015

Girls, You Do Not Want Your Saturday Night Date To End Up Like This!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              This is Sally Todd, as poor Susan Lawler, in the opening of "Frankenstein's Daughter."  Susie has just had a perfect Saturday night, gotten all dolled up with bangles and beads, make-up and stockings!  Not to mention high heels. Let's face it, on Saturday night, we all want to look like Sally as Susie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Taken to the record hop, the burger shop, driven home by a hormonal boy friend in a car with a top down--remember those evenings, dolls?  When a burger wouldn't harm one's waist line!  Not like poor Beyonce!  But, then alas, to be pinned against a suburban neighborhood tree, while your boy friend's amateurish attempt at kissing mashes into your lips--no wonder Susie screamed!  It wasn't just seeing Trudy as Frankenstein's Daughter; it was her boy friend's amateur love making!  Nothing can kill an evening more!

                                 I don't know how the neighbors were in Susie's town, but in mine, I am telling you, if there was any kissing outdoors, window shades would be rattling, and tongues wagging.  Good thing I never did any kissing outdoors.  I just stayed indoors and watched "The Song Of Bernadette."

                                   Poor Susie!  You don't want your date to end up like hers did!

                                    Let this be a cautionary warning, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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