Monday, April 13, 2015

Should This Week Be "A Chorus Line" Week, Girls????????????? I Think So!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           This coming Thursday, April 16, is the Feast Day of Saint Bernadette.  Not Jennifer Jones, darlings; the REAL Saint Bernadette Soubirous, who, on that date in 1933, was officially canonized a saint.

                             However, on that same day, 42 years later (and maybe Bernadette was watching over the whole enterprise; I would not be a bit surprised!!!!!!!!!) something happened for the first time on the stage the Estelle R. Newman Theatre, at the Public.  A group of dancers stood in the dark for the first time, before a paid audience, and once the lights went up, musical theater was altered forever.

                             That show was, of course, "A Chorus Line," and on this Thursday, with "Hamilton" playing to sell out crowds at the Newman, a group of "A Chorus Line" originals, and others, are going to gather, because, near the entrance to the Newman in the lobby, a plaque honoring the show, and its 40th--can you believe it has been that long??????--year anniversary will be unveiled!!!!!!!!!!!

                                I only wish I could be at this event, to report it to you girls.  I, who have sat through 37 performances of the show over that 40 year span, and who would do so willingly this second!!!!!!!!!!  I have called all the connections and favors, but to no avail.

                                  So, I have decided to designate this week on here as "A Chorus Line" Week on here, and to incorporate video excerpts, some of which you may have seen before, some not!!!!!!!!!

                                   And what better starting point, than the Original Cast doing just abut the entire
opening number, at the 1976 TONY Awards?????????????????

                                     May "A Chorus Line" last for another 40 years!!!!!!!!!!!  Hell, of course it will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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