Saturday, April 25, 2015

Good Grief, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!! BARBRA Is 73!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Call her Babs, or La Strident, the Old Thing is getting up there. Yesterday, being her birthday, is the one day of the year she is happy, because it is the one day she gets  what makes her happiest. She gets to rest in bed all day, cursing the memory of her mother, whom she hated, while eating a huge tub of coffee ice cream at the same time that husband James Brolin...uhm....goes down on her!  That is about as delicate as I can put it, dolls, because I don't  want things to get disgusting on here!  Babs gets her yearly treat, and Brolin performs the annual duty that has kept him supported by BARBRA all these years!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 I wouldn't want to be Brolin, I can tell you!  I bet even son Josh is repulsed, and I am with him!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  I wonder what son Jason gives as a birthday gift! It surely is not independence, or a career!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Why does BARBRA's birthday inspire such bitchery?????????????

                                     Well, BARBRA, when you are a bitch, honey, expect to get bitched back!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Now, get the hell off of MY stage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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