Saturday, April 25, 2015

I Still Haven't Quite Gotten Baby Jane Out Of My System!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             And why should I?  Honeys, when the stakes got high, Baby Jane took action! She bitched slapped Sister Blanche but good, because, as is found out at the end, Blanche really did deserve it!  She was the true monster, not Jane!

                               But that's me, darlings.  Now, having seen the abominable Redgrave version, and keeping in mind that Bette and Joan own it, while they cannot be topped, I see an interesting way  how it could be remade. Just bare with me.

Now, just take a look at this photo, of Sarah Paulson, as Baby Jane, and Blanche. With her stunning success  on "American Horror Story," and her skill as an actress, Sarah is the one who could play both Jane and Blanche!!!!!!!!! Now, THAT hasn't been done before, has it, darlings?  And with Sarah scoring such a double triumph as Dot and Bet, on "Freak Show," next to a revival of the musical "Side Show," what would make a better showcase for her?  Of course the trick is, as the photo shows, things have to be kept as close to the original as possible. No updating it to the Forties and the Sixties; keep Jane as a vaudeville child and Blanche as a Thirties film great.  I think it would be an added hoot to have Frances Conroy and Finn Wittrcok reprise Gloria and Dandy Mott as the Bates', originally played by Anna Lee and Bette's own daughter, Barbara Merrill.  As for the Flags, mother and son, how about Kathy Bates and a mother dominated Denis O'Hare ??????  And maybe--if done cleverly--:Lilly Rabe as the child Jane, and Naomi Grossman as Pepper, as the Child Blanche????????  And how about Michael Chiklis and Angela Bassett, as the Hudson parents?   I mean, it's multicultural casting, who cares???????

Basically, you have "American Horror Story Doing 'What Ever Happened To Baby Jane?'"  But since starting with the Sarah Paulson shot, why shouldn't Ryan go all the way!  Just remember to keep it in the right time period, and let us see the accident.

Oh, yes, and Gabourey Sidibe as Elvira!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But wait!  Would this play straight, or like parody?  Probably a bit of both!!!!!  Even the original did, so I do not think that would be too bad!!!!!!!!!

However, if you want to see the greatest parody of this film ever--with all the atmosphere kept, it has to be the one done by Dawn French and Jennifer ("Absolutely Fabulous!!!") Saunders, entitled, "What Ever Happened To Baby Dawn?"  

Here it is, darlings!  Enjoy!  And, Ryan, Sarah, and all--get busy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I don't know, RQ: the powers-that-be over at AHS are making some really bad decisions lately. I was blown away this week- HORRIFIED- to discover creator/producer Brad Falchuk has taken up with vapid imbecile Gwyneth Paltrow! How distressing is THAT? He's besotted with her!

    I mean, bad enough Ryan Murphy won't cast any males unless they're blonde talentless twinks he can sleep with first (or the "husbands" of famous gay actors he wants to curry favor with). But Falchuk dating ick-monster Paltrow does not bode well AT ALL. Don't be surprised if SHE turns up in "AHS: Hotel" this October, playing Baby Jane or Nora Desmond.

    Someone should clue Gwynnie that Margaret Dumont is much more her speed.

  2. Yes, but Margaret had comic skill. She almost walks away with the Marx Bros, movies. Ms. Paltrow can barely read a line.
