Saturday, April 4, 2015

Happy Holy Saturday, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Now, just for those of you who may be uninformed, Holy Saturday, despite the sunset picture above, is not a time for going out to Latino, or any other disco clubs (if any still exist!!!!!!!) and doing "Burn, Baby Burn!!!!!!!!!:"  It is a time for meditation and reflection; in some ways this is to Christians what Yom Kippur is to our Jewish brethren.

                             Back when I was a young thing, it also meant staying up late that night, deciding wheter to watch "Easter Parade," shown annually every Holy Saturday for years, on CBS, or "The Song Of Bernadette," on ABC.  Anyone who has been with me here for awhile knows which I chose, and what I will be watching tomorrow!

                               One of the best practicing spiritual leaders around today (and she is also practical) is Sister Camille D'Arienzo, whom you have seen and heard about, on here, before.  If possible, I am going to take a back seat here (yes, girls, I know it seems unbelievable!!!!!!!!) and let Sister Camille take over!

                                  Here she is, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!  Listen to the words of this wise and loving woman, and accept my wishes for the most holy of Holy Saturdays!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Rock on, Sister C!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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