Saturday, April 4, 2015

A Belated Welcome, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Several days back, darlings, I was checking for comments, and noted an indication that I had 41 followers.  That could only be if I actually had 40, so, I went to the home page, and sure enough, the amount had jumped from 39, to 40!!!!!!!!!!

                               The problem is, with so many pictures--there ARE now 40--I am not sure who the new reader is, or what is their name. Newest readers usually appear on the left, but the one there has occupied that space from some time.

                                  Nevertheless, I must remember my duties as hostess, and welcome New Reader to the wild and wacky world of the Raving Queen, which you will learn all sorts of fascinating esoterica, and pick up information you may never have dreamed existed.

                                     I don't know how you found your way to this spot in the blogsphere, but welcome on board, for the ride!  Enjoy, and feel free to comment any time!

                                      Let's raise a cup of coffee in honor of New Reader, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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