Friday, April 3, 2015

Today Is Also The Day, According To Belief, That John Wayne Uttered The Line, "Clearly, This Man Was The Son Of God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                   That is, if your belief system includes George Stevens' 1965 (also 50 years this year, dolls!!!!!!!!) Biblical hoot, "The Greatest Story Ever Told."  This was Stevens' attempt to give John Wayne what today would be called "a Meryl Streep moment."

                                     But, Meryl hadn't shown up yet, so, next to Anne Baxter's speech in "The Ten Commandments--"Oh, Moses, Moses, you wonderful, wonderful fool!!!!!!!!!!"--this is the campiest Biblical display on film.

                                        I mean, just take a look at it!  No wonder I love the story of "Little Black Sambo" so much!  I find it more believable that a group of tigers would chase each other around a tree, by their tails, till they melted into butter, for a pancake dinner that eve, than John Wayne could be capable of delivering a straight, dramatic line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Happy Good Friday, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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