Thursday, April 2, 2015

Oh, My God, Girls!!!!!!!!!!! Another Maundy Thursday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      Maundy, Maundy, can't trust that day....Oops, that's the Mamas and the Papas!!!!!!!!!!

                      Today is Maundy Thursday, better known as Holy Thursday, which is the night the Last Supper took place.  Many legends have sprung up, around this occasion. One is that, at the event, Jesus said to the Apostles, "Everyone get behind the table, for the picture."  If you go according to Andrew Lloyd Webber, it's the night the Apostles sang "Look at all my trials and tribulations."

                       When I was a child, this was the evening when my father would drag me to Mass at St. Paul's Church, in Highland Park, and,, midway, the priest would walk up and down the aisles, swinging by a metal chain this lantern like contraption, containing burning incense.  The smell put me off any interest in incense, in general.

                            So, however, you celebrate your Maundy Thursday, darlings, a happy one!

                             Meanwhile, here's that Last Supper song!  Happy eating, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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