Thursday, April 2, 2015

When The Skies Weren't Friendly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            They certainly were not, on March 24, 2015. That was the day that 27-year-old Hamburg born Andreas Lubitz killed himself, and 149 others, by crashing a Lufthansa plane he was co-piloting smack into a mountain in the French Alps.

                              Under other circumstances, I might be writing about Andreas as a troubled soul. After all, I have issues about suicide, having experienced, several times, the loss of some I have known, through this tragic method.

                                But, once Andreas made the irrevocable decision to take with him the 149  innocent people aboard the plane, (some of whom, it just figures, had to be children!!!!!!!!) he goes from being a sad, tragic soul, to the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.

                                 If a person makes a decision to end their life, I might not agree with it, but that is their personal business.  And they generally keep the act to themselves. But Lubitz didn't, which makes him one sick bitch.  Why should others die, just because he wants to?????????????

                                  It's been reported that, the day before the dastardly deed, his girl friend broke up with him. Smart gal; maybe she knew more than she let on.  I don't care; that alone is not enough to send someone over the bend, to do this.  Their had been problems several years before, where he took a year off from flight training, for mental issues.

                                   Issues most likely with him long before he attended his first flight school class.

                                    If there were a runner-up for this week, it would be Lufthansa,, whose psychological profiling cannot be too skilled, and then, after leaving for admitted problems, they let this guy back in?  Shame on them! The deaths of those innocent people are on this organization's hands, as well.

                                     But Andreas is the Bitch Of The Week.  He said he wanted to make a name for himself.  Well, you know, Andreas, many of us do, but we don't kill ourselves and others to do it.

                                       Because, what's the point?  You are not around to bask in the so-called attention!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Rest Assured, Andreas, Satan has special plans, for YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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