Tuesday, April 14, 2015

This Was The Male "Mean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                        You've heard me go on about that classic 'SVU' episode, from 2004, entitled "Mean," where high school student Emily Sullivan is murdered by three of her best friends. Who says it cannot happen, with boys?  Not only can it, it has.  On March 25, 1996 in the godforsaken town of  Kerhonkson, in upstate New York--my God, who would ever go there?--Joey Martin sneaked out the window that evening for a night of "comet watching," with his friends,and kicking back underage brew skies, at their fort in the woods.

                           Joey's friends were Daniel Malak, then 16 and Alexander Barsky, also 15.  Barsky had moved to Kerhonkson from Brooklyn--God knows why, though if he had stayed in Brooklyn, he would have drifted into urban crime, probably becoming a drug dealer, or murdering innocent Brooklyn children like Leiby Kletzky.

                             The Martins were vulnerable and naive.  They thought Joey, Daniel and Alex were close friends; the boys had been in and out of each other's houses all the time.

                               The reality was Malak and Barsky had the bond; Joey was just the tag-along.

                                Occasionally, Joey would act up with Alex, bullying him and pilfering money.  Alex had enough and told Malak, who acted as his protector, and decided to do something about it.

                                  The two invited Joey to the fort, as might be expected. While there, after getting buzzed, Malak sneaked up behind Joey, hitting him on the head with a piece of steel. Then he and Alex finished Joey off, by beating him with a baseball bat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Oh, but darlings, it gets better!  These two sickos wrap Joey's body in a blue comforter, and leave him in a shallow grave, nearby in the woods.  Then, six years later, Alex, having moved back to Brooklyn, where he has taken up crime, takes a car service back to the Kerhonskon woods, and removes the bones of Joey, distributing in bags thrown in dumpsters throughout Brooklyn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     But there were enough fragments for DNA, and a conviction. Daniel Malak is serving Life, but Alex, in exchange for testimony, got a manslaughter sentence, and, as of last year, he was released, and is now a free man! If you see him on the street girls, go up to him, and smack him across the face!  Step right up, and puke when you see him!

                                         These two don't deserve to live! Malack will most likely rot in prison, but Alex, no doubt having returned to crime already, is on borrowed time.  

                                            Joey may not have been perfect, but killing him was not worth it!

                                             Was it, Alex???????????????????????????

                                              And for God's sake, girls, stay out of rural upstate New York towns like Kerhonkson!  What a name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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