Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Oh, My God, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do You Think Broadway Could Even Begin To Duplicate This??????????????????

                      The musical adaptation of the 2004 movie "Finding Neverland"--which I just adored eleven years ago, darlings!!!!!!!!!--is scheduled to open tonight at the Lunt-Fontanne, and the word on the street is that this could either be the musical we are waiting for, or a major disappointment. It will not, however, be the dud of the year. That distinction has already gone to "Doctor Zhivago."

                       My favorite moment in the movie combined reality and fantasy.  There was the reality of Sylvia (Kate Winslet) putting her boys to bed, while James M. Barrie (Johnny Depp) watched. As the real life boys jumped around on the beds, the figures transformed into ghostly images, seen through Barrie's eyes, where they became boys leaping off the beds, and flying out the nursery Neverland!!!!!!!!!!   It was priceless and endearing, and I wanted to fly right out that window with them!

                          How on earth can this be duplicated on stage?  I can't begin to imagine?  But, then I cannot begin to imagine this movie as a musical!!!!!!!!!!  Diane Paulus got lucky with both "Pippin" and "HAIR."  But they also had tried and true scores, and choreography.  "Finding Nevereland," though based on a film, is an unknown quantity as a musical, which could either consolidate Diane's prestige status, or put her on the Island Of Lost Directors, like Julie Taymor.  Who still has not recovered from her "Spider Man" debacle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Part of me would love to see "Finding Neverland" succeed. But it is also a tear jerker; I came out of the theater crying real tears, each time I saw it in the movies.  Will audiences want to go in for a weep fest?  I am not so sure?

                              Unless it is done with the sensitivity and understanding of the film.

                               But, then, that was not a musical.

                               And Diane Paulus was not involved.

                               Let's see what the word on the Rialto is tomorrow, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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