Wednesday, April 15, 2015

For Day Three Of "A Chorus Line" Week, How About An Audience Favorite????????? Priscilla Lopez Singing "Nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                "At The Ballet" is the song that draws people in.  "Nothing" is the song most everyone identifies with, because, whether or not one has been an actor, somewhere, in some form or another, one encounters their own version of Mr. Karp.  In my case, there were four--Mrs. Santamarina, on whom much has been written about on this blog, Mrs. Sher, who failed to choose me for Algebra in eighth grade, and undermined the confidence and interest I had in math, and then Mr. Barber, in eighth grade, who taught Algebra as well, but destroyed completely any interest I might have had in math, and the same with Mr. Frankowsky, also eighth grade, in science.

                                  Too bad, because it is the areas of foreign languages, math and science I always regretted not going further in, and still do.

                                     So, to honor "A Chorus Line" and to say "Fuck you!" to all our Mr. Karps, here is Priscilla Lopez, 40 years ago, singing "Nothing."

                                      And remember, girls, when you find one ("a better class") you'll be an actress!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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