Sunday, April 5, 2015

What Is This, With Sexualizing Reese's Peanunt Butter, And Other Spreads??????????????????????

                                       "If you want it, go out and get it!"
                                                --Reese's Advertising Song

                             Girls, I am telling you, when I first saw this ad, I could not believe it!!!!!! Sexualizing and fetishizing peanut butter, and other spreads????????  It was like an extended commercial advocating food sex!  Now, let me say, that is something I have never indulged in, even at my wildest, because, let's face it , food sex is messy.  I mean, syrup all over the sheets???????  Or the floor??????????

                             Yet the lyrics, and tone they are delivered in, have glaring sexual connotations, which I find disturbing, especially for a product that many children will consume, and  be exposed to, via this ad!

                               Just listen to this ad, and listen to how suggestive it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               What is the world coming to????????  My God, where is Doris Day????????????                        

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