Monday, April 6, 2015

Indiana Don't Want Me!!!!!!!!!!! Lord, I Can't Go Back There!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        But, seriously girls, why would I?  I have been criticized for my views of Texans on another post, but let me tell you the same holds true for Midwesterners. The ones who don't have sense, and stay there their entire lives, instead of coming to New York!!!!!!!!

                        Some may recall the famous New Yorker cover, and poster, showing a view of the world. Manhattan is everything, the boroughs less, Jersey a sliver, and nothing in between, until you get to California.

                            Which is pretty much my world view.

                             Meaning I have never had any desire to set foot in Indiana, and now, with this so-called Religious Freedom law, which is more of a paean to American hypocrisy than an exercise of freedom of religion, as it pointedly excludes LGBT Community members.

                              That's not my religion, baby!  Nor Sister Camille's!!!!!!!  So, Indiana can go shove it!!!!!!!!!!!!  You'll get no business from me; besides, what the hell is there to see in Indiana, anyway????????

                                I will stay on the side of the country I am welcome in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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