Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Eight Years, And Counting, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Wake up, everybody, day's a wasting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    No, darlings, I'm not serving Country Corn Flakes, steaming on the table.  I just want to shout from the highest rooftop that The Raving Queen is eight years old today--another year, can you believe that?--and I want to wish my girls and I, the very best!

                                    To think what this blog has become!  I started it with the highest of literary intentions--my writings--think pieces, fiction--but it evolved into a tell-all, gay-all info source that outdoes that sleazy Perez Hilton for information.  Bet Liza reads me now, before she turns to Perez!!!!!!!  No, I don't have cooking recipes, like Julie Powell, but that was never my schtick!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Everyone who has been with me for all, or at least part of those eight years, I wish you the best today!  May we go on for another eight!  And may today hold a special meaning for all!

                                   As for me, I want to go shopping, and find a pair of those red shoes Sarah Paulson wore, while dancing "The Name Game" in "American Horror Story."

                                    Happy Anniversary, everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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