Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Another Belated Welcome, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Just discovered, the other day, dolls, that a new reader has joined us. Her name is Dianne, and it is spelled like Miss Wiest.  Whether you are the actress herself, or not, welcome to The Raving Queen, Dianne, as I begin my ninth year, having just completed the eighth, and may you find all kinds of fascinating info on here. Much more than that sleazoid, Perez Hilton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              And feel free to offer comments of any kind.  I make a point to answer all my commentators.

                               Glad you are on here, Dianne, and remember, reading this goes great with coffee!!!!!!!!!

                                 Let's welcome Dianne in, with the song, "Call Me," by Deborah Harry/Blondie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Ah, Debbie Harry! Goddess of my life! Hard to believe, her music and personality have been soothing me for nearly 40 years now. No matter whats gone wrong, no matter how depressed, a random bit of Deborah can brighten me right up. Love, love, love this woman: I worship other female icons, of course, but she was my first and will always be #1.


    "The tide is high, but I'm holding on..."


    "Yeah, you know HER, would you look at that hair, yeah you know HER: check out those shoes- she looks like she stepped out the middle of somebody's cruise.

    Her nose job is real atomic, she thinks she's Brenda Starr- red eye shadow green mascars, BLECCH, she's too much..."

    Debbie rules.

  2. I am debating on making this the Official Welcome Song to this blog, though I also love "The Tide Is High," and "Heart Of Glass."
