Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Girl Can't Help It.............Or Could She?

              Girls, have you seen the 1998 "Law And Order" episode called "True North?"  Bellamy Young, pictured above  plays Stephanie Archer, once Stephanie (or Steffie) Stevens, a girl from the Wrong Side Of The Tracks, who wanted to get out!   Except the Wrong Side Of The Tracks turns out to be the Canadian side of Niagara Falls, where her family had a souvenir kiosk business.  Stephanie decorated her bedroom with pictures of Marilyn Monroe and such--hell, she sounds like a gay boy!!!!!!--because she wanted the life of the Rich and Famous, which included a rich husband.

               She gets one, Ron Archer, and is living the high life on Manhattan's fast track.  With no education or work experience. Have to hand it to Stephanie for a fast worker It wasn't really looks, because here it is 1998, and she seems to be going for the Seventies Liza Minnelli "Cabaret" look..   Unfortunately, she wants to stay at the top, and when people get in Stephanie's way of this, they have a way of dropping like flies.  Let's start with Ron's first wife, whom Stephanie murdered, so she could get him.  Then she finds out Ron is cheating on her with a friend of hers, Doris Nichols.  She has even joined a book club where they are reading "Emma" by Jane Austen, and Stephanie--and this is enough for me to reject her, darlings!!!!!!!!!--has never heard of either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

               Stephanie is furious with Doris, and kills her. She also ends up killing Ron, and, caught in her fire, is Ron's prepubescent daughter by his first marriage, Caitlin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  A child!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                  Stephanie goes on the lam to Canada, but they get her back, bring her into court, and roast her good.  She gets the death sentence, and at the hearing for this, Bellamy Young delivers a moving speech that is the equivalent of Ruthie Henhall as Fantine singing "I Dreamed A Dream."  But Stephanie is not as sympathetic as Ruthie/Fantine, which she proved in the trial, when she screamed at her friends, "You all treated me as if I were trash!  But I was smarter than you!  I was better than you!"  I know where you are coming from, Stephanie, and relate, but so far, I have not killed anyone to prove this point, nor do I have to.  I have this blog.

                    Stephanie's pleas fall on deaf ears, and she is hauled off to Death Row!!!!!!!!!!!!

                     This is one episode you have to see, darlings!  To think there was one I still had never seen, not  to mention Bellamy Young gives a bravura performance as Stephanie!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       She is one ice cold, but fascinating, bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I just  LOVE her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         See what happens when one tries to rise above their station???????????

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