Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Yes, Girls, I Really Did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         I don't know about you, girls, but I get screwed twice, when I go to the dentist! And neither is fun!  The first is whatever painful agony I am put  through; even if it is just a cleaning, there is that noise, and those little spots where I clamp down on the chair.

                                           Then comes the bill.  If you've been, you know how expensive dentists can be.

                                            So, when I awaken, on the morning after a dental appointment, I feel good having survived the one the day before.  And I can block it all out for the next five months, until about a month before the next appointment.

                                               Which is on October 13, so, right now, that feels like forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Is there a dentist's song?  There is one, I think, in "Little Shop Of Horrors,' but I have a better idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   How about "Maxwell's Silver Hammer," by the Beatles???????  From "Abbey Road," of course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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