Saturday, May 9, 2015

Are We Returning To The Sixties??????????????????

                          I have been asking myself that question in recent times, darlings!  Just think...Ferguson.....Staten Island.....Baltimore....the death of Brian Moore, the policeman.  What is going on?  Yesterday, while dining out, I happened to catch part of the Moore funeral mass, and, let me tell you, it brought tears to my eyes. The wasted loss of a life.

                         Having lived through the Sixties once, I am not sure I want to again.  I was young, and bursting with social consciousness, something that characterized our generation, the Baby Boomers, and which I fear is lacking in those that have followed us.  I mean, generations of folk listen avidly to the score for "HAIR," but I could not stomach "Spring Awakening" through the fourth track.  What does that say about me?  Of my social consciousness? Or of what I see as a general lack thereof in succeeding generations.

                          The activist spirit is still there, but the flesh has gotten weak.  I don't know if I have the strength to get out there, though occasionally I do, as when my beloved and I did the GWB walk for Tyler Clementi.

                            Social activism is for everyone, but is chiefly for the young, with all their strength and fervor?  Have we done them a disservice?  Or has the qualities that expanded upon communication--technology--done more to break it down than to expand it?????????

                             These are questions to ponder.  In the meantime, I am including one of the most inspiring protest pieces I can come up with!

                               Here are Peter, Paul and Mary, in their prime, doing "If I Had A Hammer!"
Let its spirit inspire you, and let justice and freedom ring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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