Monday, May 11, 2015

Bad Box Office Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             It was an almost perfect weekend, girls, except for one bad encounter that I want to alert you about.  Now, it did not turn out as badly as our Holiday encounter with Nasty Hostess at Demarchelier, several years back, but I want all my girls, and Theater Queens in particular, to beware this person.

                            I am talking about Bad Box Office Bitch, who was working yesterday at the Lyceum Theatre, where the TONY nominated musical, "The Visit," is playing, with its TONY nominated star, Chita Rivera.

                             Make no mistake about it, darlings!  I love Chita, and having seen her in a number of shows, I can say that!  For her to be doing a full fledged musical at 82 is nothing short  of remarkable. Some that age are sipping pablum and wearing Depends!!!!!!!!!!!!  Even younger!

                              However, there is a special interest I have in "The Visit." Chita's understudy is my hero, my legend, my role model--Donna McKechnie, whom I have adored ever since seeing her in "A Chorus Line" forty years ago.  So, my beloved and I decided to stop over at The Lyceum to scoop out the dirt on whether or not Donna goes on, and, if so, when, and how can we be informed.  Because I want to see Donna!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                We were pressed for time--we had to have lunch, and a show to catch--so I did not think of going directly to the stage door, and chatting it up with the stage manager or crew members,  whom I know how to chat up, darlings!  You better believe that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Instead, we went directly to the box office.  We stood there, and for several minutes, no one came over, though we could hear voices talking to our left. Suddenly, this woman approaches us, looking like an ex-hoofer, and thinking she was Renee Baughman or Michon Peacock, even though she would never have danced with any of them, and never would have made it into the same league with either them, or Donna. Which was what she was really probably pissed about!

                                   We simply asked her if she knew on what evenings, if any, Donna McKechnie performed. She explained, nastily, that Donna was the understudy, emphasizing the word, as though
I had never heard it before--I, The Raving Queen!!!!!!!!   I mean, whom did she think she was dealing with????????  She said Donna never went on unless Chita was out.  When I asked was there some kind of arrangement in her contract that maybe she did matinees, or something, she cut me dead, and went back to talking!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     OK, bitch, you had YOUR say yesterday.  Now it is MY turn!!!!!!!!

                                      You'll never dance again!  I hope they chop off your feet like at the end of the Andersen story, "The Red Shoes!!!!!!!!!!"  I want the Supervisor of the Box Office at the Lyceum Theater to know that he or she has someone there who gives rotten, ungracious customer service, and should be fired!  Renee Baughman would never behaved like that. In fact, she would have understood someone wanting to see Donna.!!!!!!!!  This bitch had no insight or understanding at all!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       I want all my girls to go to the box office of this theater, and infiltrate this
woman, until she packs it in, and heads out to Long Island, where she would be lucky enough to open a dance studio in a strip mall!  How about the Green Acres Mall, Sunrise Highway, in Valley Stream, Long Island??????????????   That is just where Miss Ex-Dancer Bad Box Office Bitch belongs!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         "The Visit," as a show, is coasting, right now, on its TONY Nominations, including the one for Chita!  But, if it loses, it could be singing a different tune!

                                             So, whoever is in charge of the Box Office should demand good service from its staff!

                                              The kind that my beloved and I did NOT get!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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