Thursday, May 21, 2015

Box Office Bitches Return, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Some of you may recall the going over I gave the box office attendant art the Lyceum Theatre, two Sundays ago, when simply asking about Donna McKechnie, and "The Visit."  She was an inexcusable horror, but she did not merit being named Bitch of The Week.  However, the box office staff of the SONY Lincoln Square Theatre do, and so, collectively, they are this week's winner of the Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.  I think I am going to end this post--and I am telling you this, right now!!!!!!!--with Rex Harrison singing "Why Can't The English?" from "My Fair Lady," because, when it comes right down to it, this is what it's all about.  And what I am about to report is not the first time--at this theater--this has happened!!!!!!!!!!

                         On Tuesday afternoon, I planned to meet my elegant friend, Chris, to see the new Blythe Danner movie, "Ill See You In My Dreams."  (Which is a MUST SEE, but I will save that for another post!!!!!!!!!!!).  We had planned to go to the 2PM showing, and I got there a little before one-thirty. So, I decided to go to the box office, and  purchase the tickets, saving us both time and effort.

                            I asked for "two tickets to the two o'clock screening of 'I'll See You In My Dreams," and that is when all hell broke loose.

                            No one at the box-office understood the word "screening."  The first time this happened, and now I cannot remember the film, I was upset, because I thought I had gotten the theater, or the time mixed up.  The first incident happened so long ago, I blocked it out, which says how long it has been since I was at this theater, because it happened again.  I used the word "screening." and I got responses like "We don't have screenings!" or "We only have screenings in the evenings!"  The first time, I was incredulous!  The second time, I recalled the last time and used the simpler word "movie."  Then I got the tickets!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            This has never happened to me at any other movie theater in Manhattan.  Which is why the SONY Lincoln Square wins this week's Bitch Of The Week Award!!!!!!!!  But, what I want to know is--who are these dumb bozos working there, the moron who hires them, and what dumbbell is their supervisor????????  Because I have got a few words to say to ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Learn the English language morons!  Otherwise you will lose customers!!!!!!!!!

                            No wonder so many Europeans think Americans are dumb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            However, Rex Harrison, with some help from Alan Jay Lerner and Frederick Lowe, made the point with more cognizance than I could!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Listen!


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