Thursday, May 21, 2015

"Little Bread And Butterflies Kiss The Tulips!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                             I have been doing a lot of thinking about alternate realities, lately--no, I have NOT been taking LSD; I never did!!!!!!!!!!!--and my mind keeps coming back to "Alice In Wonderland!"

                              Disney's 1951 animated film of it was always my favorite of all his animated films!  "Pinocchio" may have been more artistic, but 'Alice' was awash with colors!!!!!!!!!!  I mean, look at hat hair and dress!  I wanted that look, when I was a child!  It probably contributed to me later wanting to be Roberta!!!!!!!!!

                              Let's face it, darlings, reality can be a bitch!  And all of us have our escape mechanisms.  I may not be able to travel down that rabbit hole like Alice--I would get stuck and have to be pulled out--but I can read her adventures anytime I want and live vicariously that way.  It's still better than drugs!  Except for klonopin!!!!!!!!!!

                               But as our age gets more technological, darlings, reality becomes more blurred, until I am not sure what is real, and what is not!!!!!!!!!  For instance, all these reality shows--The REAL Wives Of Jersey, New Orleans, Beverly Hills, wherever!!!!!!!!!!"  And how about those Atlanta hairdressers; the Boss Bitches????????????  Is this reality?  I don't think so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               It has gotten to the point what is marketed and fabricated as reality, gets believed to be such!  In which case, give me Oz, Neverland, or Wonderland, any day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The realities which our culture keeps pushing tend toward the most negative aspects of human behavior--aggression, fighting, and violence--and who wants to live in a world like that?  Obviously, people out there need to read William Golding's "Lord Of The Flies!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                               Which is why I find myself longing for Lewis Carroll and Alice.  Remember Celia Keenan-Bolger;'s show stopping entrance and exit as Laura, in Broadway's recent "Glass Menagerie," where she crawls out of and into the chair, back into her own reality?????????????

                                 Think of me like that, dolls!  When not with you, I have crawled back into my own reality!  And I am staying there!

                                  Like Alice!

                                  Just listen to this, and you will understand!!!!!!!!!!!

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