Thursday, May 21, 2015

Darlings, I Just Love Stephanie Harker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Ah, Stephanie!  She really is something, girls!  She was featured on the  "Law And Order" episode, "True North,"which was aired back in 1998.  She was portrayed by Bellamy Young, in a spot on performance.  Now, I don't know what has happened to Bellamy since, but, after watching her as Stephanie, I can say, with certainty, this is one of her signature roles!

                           Stephanie's story is that of a girl from the Wrong Side Of The Tracks gone bad!  She is proof that Goat Alley does not just exist in Highland Park, New Jersey, but in almost every small town in America.  Which includes Canada, where Stephanie happens to be from.  She is proof positive that if someone tries to claw their way out of Goat Alley, they can't!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Bad things happen to those who try!

                            You see, Stephanie Harker was really just plain Steffie Stevens, from the Canadian side of Niagara Falls.  Her father ran a souvenir shop/kiosk, and Stephanie resented her origins, and watching the rich American tourists exploit her father.  She began to feel like trash, which she was, but wouldn't accept it.
So, she became obsessed with fame and movie magazines.  Now, let me stop here a minute; how many of us have done the same, darlings?  But we don't go on to became sociopathic serial; killers.  But that's what the mags did, fueled Stephanie's internal rage and resentment, till it exploded.  When she reached young womanhood, and was working for her father--hey, she had a job!!!!!!-- she met a man from New York, Benjamin Harker, a wealthy businessman, who became smitten with her.  I think they played around, and next thing Stephanie wants a ring, the townhouse, Manhattan, the whole Magilla!!!!!!!!!!  She should have read "Valley Of The Dolls!!!!!!!"  Instead, she takes a car, and runs down Harker's wife, while in Canada.  Next thing, she is in New York, and eases her way into Harker's life.  But, too late; both he and Stephanie find out that, with her Goat Alley origins, she does not fit!  I mean, her husband got one of his friends' wives to invite her to their book group.  They were reading "Emma" by Jane Austen, (one of MY faves, darlings!!!!!!!) but would you believe Stephanie never heard of Jane Austen???????????  What dumb trash!!!!!!!!!!!   When she got on the defense stand, and said "Jane Austen--what does that matter?" I lost it with Miss Stephanie!  Send this trash bitch off to the slammer!  She should have been arrested for knocking Jane Austen alone!

                        Stephanie was some manipulator.  Knowing her husband was planning on divorcing her, she got a friend, Doris Nichols, to kill both him and his daughter!  His daughter!  Her stepdaughter!  An innocent child!!!!!!!!!!!   Then, she kills Doris, and flees to Canada, where her father finally tells her that if she had just been content with being Steffie Stevens, none of this would have happened.  He was right!  Because, with her manipulative skills, Stephanie, had she applied them correctly, might have turned that kiosk into a business empire!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Finally, she is brought back to New York, and made to pay.  The speech she gives on the stand wouldn't melt butter.  She must have thought she was playing Cassie in "A Chorus Line," as she keeps pleading for " a chance," in order to avoid the death penalty!  But no one buys Stephanie's act!  She has used them all her material up!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       So, off to the slammer and execution she goes!  Which is why they could never bring back Bellamy as Stephanie!

                       But the Goat Alley thing still holds!  There is no escaping!  The garbage of that place will always follow the person fleeing, and their behavior!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         A lesson Stephanie never learned!  But what a perp!  One of the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Bellamy Young has been playing the roll of the First Lady of the U.S. on Scandal for 6 seasons. She is sometimes a villain, sometimes sympathetic. Complex, powerful character.


  2. Thanks for the heads-up. I will have to watch for it.
    Bellamy is a good actress, from what I saw of her, as Stephanie!

  3. Ugliest mouth I've ever seen. Bad legs too - fat knees
