Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Darlings, You Just Know ANNA Was At The MET Gala!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              The MET!  The MET!  Just what does that phrase mean?

                               I guess it depends what side of town you are on.  For West Siders, it means The Metropolitan Opera House, where that most dangerous species of the human populace--Vicious Opera Queens (not to be confused with Theater Queens, who are more sophisticated; believe me, I know!!!!!!) go, to scream and throw flowers at vocal icons acting maniacally, which is pretty much what one gets at the opera!

                                 However, if one is on the East Side, The MET means The Metropolitan Museum Of Art, where the Annual Costume Gala, was held, on Monday, May 4. This was, next to my father's Centennial Birthday Party, the Social Event Of The Season, and while I was exhausted from the former, it was a shame I was not present at the latter.  I could have thrown on some Ralph Lauren knockoff, and strolled that carpet!   I  could have hung out with ANNA!  I could have gotten the dirt, for all my girls!

                                  Alas, I was not present! Hell, I was not even invited!  I must be on the wrong social lists, and this has to be corrected, at once!   Which is why I need a Personal Assistant!  Maybe that nice, young Andrew Keenan-Bolger, who could be so.....helpful, in guiding me to such events!

                                   Of course, ANNA was there!  Doesn't she look fabulous? And I am sure Grace was, too, but, honestly, who is going to upstage ANNA???????  But not everyone was as tastefully dressed as she!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    I mean, let's talk about this thing Rihanna wore!  Oh, my God!  If she were in the Witness Protection Program, she would be found, instantly!   I have no idea who designed this monstrosity, which is so clashing with everything surrounding it, but I can tell you where the designer got the idea for this gown--the 1939 film classic, and my all-time favorite movie, "The 
"Wizard Of Oz!"

                                      Remember, when Bert Lahr, as the Cowardly Lion, with Judy and Company, does the number, "If I Were King Of The Forest?"  At the midpoint, they pull back, and a gorgeous green rug, with white trim and flounces, becomes a royal gown for the lion, with a smashed vase as 
a crown!  This thing being worn reminds  me of the green rug in the movie--and it looked better, coming as it did from MGM during its glory days.

                                       Honestly, girls, I would not photograph a baby, on that thing!  I would love to know what ANNA thought.  Bet her eyes rolled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        I wish I could have been there to give you a full report!  But isn't this bad enough?  One thing I am sure of--

                                         Even Aunt Pittypat would have sense enough not to  be seen in that dress!

                                          Oh, well!  There's always next year, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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