Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Faith And Begorra, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now We Can All Fly Over, And See If The Lucky Charms Leprechaun's Charms Really ARE Magically Delicious!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Who would have thought it, dolls?  Ireland has voted in gay marriage, and lot of lads, I can tell you this, are going to be flying over to sample the wares, and get hooked up.

                              The Irish have had it stuck to them, for years. Micks, drunks, homophobes, right wingers, Papists; you name it, they've been called it. Well, all that is now about to change.

                               "Catch my Lucky Charms," the TV leprechaun used to say.  "They're magically delicious.  Which reminds me, there is no such thing as the Irish Curse.  I won't explain what that is, but let's just say this is not true. I once knew an Irisher in college whose last name was Link, and whose nickname was "Link Sausage!!!!!!!!!!!"  Now, I have no proof positive of this, as he did not swing in my direction.  But I heard stories.

                                    Finally, gays can say "It's a great day, for the Irish!"    There just might be an Irish wedding in my future.

                                      You'll be the first to hear, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!