Tuesday, May 26, 2015

"I'll Go Out, The Way I Came In!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                              Good advice to follow, girls, from Miss Helen Lawson, what with the Holiday, and the long exodus back to work commencing once more.  Heaven knows who or what I will find there, but, like Helen, I am not about to be defeated!

                                  What a holiday it was, darlings!  From "Finding Neverland" to "Poltergeist," and that is quite a gap, let me tell you.  As shall be revealed, when I cover the latter!

                                    Are you ready for the Summer, darlings??????????  Well, it's here!  Plant those trees, and make them grow!

                                   And remember, we're all barracudas, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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