Thursday, May 7, 2015

I Never Learned About This From Cathy Mitchell, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                I have actually tried Cathy Mitchell's Dump Cakes. Or, at least one of them.  It was a mixture of peaches, cherries and white cake.  Combined, it produced a mess, something like a cobbler.  But the sugar, fructose, and sweeteners made them treacly, at best, and they are not called Dump Cakes for nothing. Because, after having sampled one, you have to....well, I warned you!

                                  But this thing, which I discovered by accident the other day--you know me, the esoteric has a way of finding me!!!!!!!!--is actually called a Kitty Litter Cake.  It looks like an outtake from a John Waters movie, and maybe should have been.  I mean if Divine had eaten this, it would have been a viable alternative!

                                  I can't past the way it looks.  It is made with a combination of German Chocolate Cake mix, White Cake mix, and Tootsie Rolls, which look like......

                                   It's recommended serving at Halloween as a joke. But who can get beyond looking at it, so nauseating and tasteless it is!!!!!!!!!  Tasteful maybe, but tasteless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     And, of course, it has to served in a Kitty Litter Box, and scooped out with s scooper!

                                      I would love to know who dreamed this up! And what they were on, when they did!

                                       As the saying goes, girls, you literally cannot make this shit up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Ha! I got as far as buying a plastic litter box but never made the kitty kake.

    Dump cake however with cherries, pineapple and coconut is the greatest!


  2. Have never tried that, but it does sound yummy! Especially with the cocnout! Maybe that will be my next desert project!
