Friday, May 15, 2015

It's Not Exactly Joan Didion, But.................

                                    "Tell The Wolves I'm Home," the first novel by Carol Rifka Brunt, is, so far, the most wrenching book I have read this year.  You need to be in the right emotional place when it is read, because if not, it will tear you to pieces.  Even in the best frame of mind, it gets under one's skin.

                                       Her scope is impressive.  In just 360 pages, Rifka covers New York City during the AIDS epidemic of the late 1980's, suburban life in Westchester at the time, relationships between two sets of siblings, a gay man and his partner, and a marriage that I was surprised did not disintegrate.  Brunt's character focus and ability to keep everyone and everything in focus is nothing short of remarkable, especially for a first novelist.  The post interview was interesting to read, because, being a first novel, I thought there was some autobiography surrounding the novel, but no. Amazingly, the whole thing started as a short story.

                                         Which should inspire other writers; one never knows where the material started  out with is going, and signals Brunt as a promising author to watch.

                                            But it is wrenching; the kind of book that can drive one, after, to Candace Bushnell or Lauren Weisberger.

                                             But Jodi Picoult and Jennifer Weiner?????????? Never!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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