Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Let Us Welcome A New Reader!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Girls, it has been days since I have been on here; some of you must have been wondering if I am still alive!  Well, rest assured, I am!  I had to into the city for a doctor appointment, which put the kibosh on writing, since I write best in the morning, but here I am NOW, and haven't we a lot to talk about!
So, let's get to it!

                         The best news--The Raving Queen has a new reader/follower.  Her name is Geraldine E.  Welcome Geraldine, to the wild, wacky and always informative world of The Raving Queen.  Forget Perez Hilton, you will find out more here!

                         When a new reader appears, I always wonder who or what led them here.  I hope it was one of my posts.  Speaking of posts, I better get busy.

                            But welcome, Geraldine, and feel free to comment anytime!  As you will soon discover, reading this blog, like "Valley Of The Dolls," goes great with coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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