Thursday, May 28, 2015

Oh, Come On, Jess!!!!!!!!!!!! Give Up The Stage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You Just Can't Do It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               You know we were all devastated, darlings, when we learned Jessica was departing "American Horror Story!" What on earth would she do next?

                                 Well, guess what, kiddies?  In December, courtesy of the Roundabout, Jessica and Gabriel Byrne will be playing the Tyrones in "Long Day's Journey Into Night!"  Oh, my God, why don't you just kill me, right now?  I have no problem with Gabriel Byrne playing patriarch James Tyrone; after seeing him in "A Touch Of The Poet," some decades back, I have no doubt he will ace it!  But Jessica as Mary? She has the artistic resources, but not the technical!  Plainly put--SHE CAN'T PROJECT ON STAGE!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Years back, I saw she, Sarah Paulson and Christian Slater in a revival of "The Glass Menagerie." Chris and Sarah did lovely work, and I was sitting so close, there were times I could have touched Christian--if I had wanted to. But the staging was done behind this gauze  curtain--a heavy handed symbol of Memory--and poor Jessica was barely discernible, vocally, to us in the first row.  Thank God I knew the play by heart; otherwise, I would have had trouble following it.  I still wonder what other audience members did, how they coped with all this!!!!!!!!!  I would have walked out!  Making it clear it was not the play, but Jess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    There was another Jessica--Tandy!!!!!!!--who could do magic on stage. I don't know if any film footage of her exists, but if there is any, I suggest Miss Lange take a look at her work, and study with a vocal teacher, before tackling Mary Tyrone!

                                       Otherwise, it will be a "Never Ending Journey Into Night!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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