Thursday, May 28, 2015

This Fat Porker Of A Bitch Has A Special Spit Waiting In Hell To Roast Her Alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Lori Drew is Yesterday's News, but once she was big, very big. Historically, she will always be forever known as the "My Space Mom."  Long before Tyler Clementi, this was the cyberbullying case of the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    I happened to catch the story on a recent broadcast of "Web Of Lies" On ID, and the hatred I felt was so intense I wanted to punch my fist through the TV screen.  But I just had a manicure, darlings!!!!!!!!!!

                                   What Lori is held accountable for is the suicide death by hanging of Megan Meier, on October 17, 2006. To think this happened nearly ten years ago.  Now, MY Space is a thing of  the past.

                                     Anyway, the Meiers and the Drews grew up living near each other, and for a long time, Megan was best friends with Lori's daughter, Sarah. But, when middle school indicated a change for Megan might be of use, she was enrolled in Immaculate Conception Catholic School, in Dardenne Prairie, Missouri, just a town over, from O'Fallon, where the families lived.

                                       Why do things like this, happen in states like Missouri???????  It figures!!!!!!!!!

                                          Anyway, as Megan became more acclimated to life at the new school, she just did not have as much time for Sarah.  There was no official falling out, but Sarah felt slighted, and said something to her mother, Lori.  And Lori said something to Megan's mother, Tina. Now, up to this point, nothing was wrong.   Both mothers talked it over, agreed there was no falling out, and that the girls would find a way to see each other. Megan bore no ill will to Sarah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Shortly after this, on a My Space account her mother allowed her to have, as all her classmates had accounts, Megan started receiving some interesting messages from a very handsome sixteen-year-old boy, named Josh Evans.  This extended into an online courtship, and, while I do not blame Tina for the ultimate outcome, when things started heating up online, she should have put a stop to it.   Because, if she had, Megan might still be alive.

                                             After weeks of chatting lovingly online, and trying to meet up in real time, which, somehow, always managed to fall through (and raise parental suspicions!!!!!!!!!) Josh turned on Megan hatefully, destroying with a vengeance, every shred of confidence the girl had built up, leading her to hang herself in her room on October 17, 2006.

                                              Which was bad enough, but what was worse,  A few weeks after the girl's death, her parents found out, through a neighbor named Michelle (who should have been charged, as well!!!!!!!!!!) that Josh Evans was not real, but a fabrication on the part of Lori Drew, her
daughter Sarah, and new best friend, Ashely, to get back at Megan for dissing Sarah!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Can you believe this sickness, darlings?  I mean, from two 13-year-olds is bad enough, but they were acting in accordance with their age.  The ringleader, whom I am sure made things more vicious for Megan than her classmates could, was a forty-plus Mom, acting like an over aged teen!!!!!!!!!!  What is that all about????????  Hey, Lori, what issues are still with you from your own teen years; were you acting out here?????????  Huh?????????????

                                                   Sarah and Ashley are Honorable Bitches, but Lori is the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award!!!!!!!!!!  She should have come to my attention, earlier, but here she is, at last!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      And, because there were no laws in place for this sort of thing, at the time, none of these women were convicted, and has done jail time.  In fact, Lori has a blog where I am sure she is still trying to justify her behavior.

                                                          Well, let me tell you something, Lori Drew! You deserve to burn in Hell, and if I walk up to you on the street, and see you, I will smack you across the face! And that goes for neighbor Michelle!  As for Ashely and Sarah, I hope you are married to two fat rednecked losers, like your mothers were, or are, if still married to them!  Sarah, judging from the actress who played her, was a porker already, like her mother, so her future of trash is mapped out for her! Now, go rot in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                          Bitches hardly come any worse than Lori Drew!  It is just a matter of time, before she gets hers, darlings!!!!!!!!!!

                                                            What goes around, comes around!

                                                              And stay the hell out of Missouri!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!