Thursday, May 14, 2015

This Monster Mom Is On A Par With Catherine Pelzer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Even though he was on "Saturday Night Live" for fourteen years, it was not until a few years ago I discovered Darrell Hammond, convincingly playing a corporate bastard, on what I still consider the most disturbing episode of "Law And Order--Criminal Intent," entitled "No Exit."  This is the one that starts with four people in a car making a suicide pact--and it gets better from there.

                                               I had no idea Darrell Hammond was this comic genius.  Well, since discovering Kate McKinnon's brilliant comic take on Hillary Clinton, I became more aware of Darrell, who eventually shows up, as Bill.  His Bill Clinton is better than the actual one!

                                                 I was also aware of the memoir Hammond had written, called "God, If You're Not Up There, I'm Fucked!"  I have not read it, but, after scanning a few You Tube videos, I feel like I want to, grim, though it is.  I say grim, because Darrell suffered horrendous child abuse, at the hands of his mother, Margaret, which is why she is this week's winner of the Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.

                                                 Darrell is close to my age, so we are from the same time period.  I do not know if he was an only child, but the mother, for what I can only guess was her screwed up Borderline Personality Disordered reasoning, sought to abuse him--at one time cutting his tongue, with a knife, slamming a car door on his hand intentionally, and constant belittlement. She also hit him with a hammer, and an electrical outlet  The father, like most in these situations looked the other way, preferring to accept a sanitized version of reality.  And messing Darren up in the process, who has done his share of time in psych wards, as well as rehab for alcohol and drugs.   Again, I ask the question, why do monsters like this even bother to have children?  And why do straight men marry them?  Are they that desperate or dumb?

                                                    His mother died in 2006, which couldn't be too soon, I am sure.  She is spinning on a spit now for her twisted misdeeds!  But Darren, prior to this incident, decided to
confront his parents. Do you know what his mother told their now successful son?  "Do not ever call us again!"

                                                     I am sure he did not. Had I been Darrell, I would have made one more visit, and slapped her hard across the face!  Give a little back of what she gave to him!

                                                      As soon as I  heard of Margaret Hammond, I knew I had found this
week's Bitch Of The Week."

                                             What a mother Margaret was! Motherfucker, that is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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