Thursday, May 14, 2015

Sicko Siblings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               No, darlings, these are not two of the boys from the cast of Broadway's "Finding Neverland," though, from this photo, they could pass for such. This photo, taken back around 2001 is of the King Brothers--Alex, left, age 12 and Derek, right, age 13.

                                Basically, the problem was, the boys came from a bunch of losers. First of all, the event happened in Cantonment, Florida--Florida, again; why does everything seem to happen there?
Their father, Terry Lee King, was not the sharpest when it came to romance or finance. He was dumb enough to  hook up with a drug addicted whore named Janet French, who later changed her name to Kelly Marino.  King must have been desperate, and, from the way the story was enacted on Investigation Discovery, that is how the actor portraying King played him.

                                 Obviously, Janet/Kelly was not the domestic type. She gave birth to Alex and Derek, by Terry, then, several years later, had twins by another man--while still living with Terry. Then she abandoned them all! Slut!!!!!!!!!!!  She should have been arrested, too.

                                   Terry could barely make ends meet. So he farmed the boys out to foster homes. The twins were adopted, permanently, in 1995,  and Derek found a home with an affluent family, but Alex was always a bit of a problem, whose cuteness fooled everyone.  At one point, Terry got it together, and brought the boys to a home he had purchased for all of them to live.  But the home was beneath the standards Derek was accustomed to living, and there was no pleasing Alex, at all.  Plus, Terry was an overzealous nut--rules, no television, just book, and these were not the type of kids to read.  Even Harry Potter would have been too sophisticated for them.

                                      There was a wolf in sheep's clothing living in the neighborhood, by the name of Ricky Chavis, a child predator. His home became known as a hangout for kids who wanted to bend the rules. Chavis offered video games, alcohol, drugs--everything a rebellious kid could want.

                                        Alex was a frequent visitor to Chavis'.  He came to know it meant sometimes submitting to oral sex with Chavis, but he felt it was a small price to pay, after living with a father he hated. When Derek showed up, Alex brought him to Chavis, knowing what his brother  might be in store for, but it seems the pedophile had a thing just for Alex.

                                        Things spun out of control in 2001.  On November 16, Terry was distressed to discover his boys had run off, unaware they were simply across the street, living with Chavis. The boys eventually did  return home, but, then, on the night of November 26, Alex came up with the idea of killing their father, while asleep,with an aluminum baseball bat. Though Alex planned it, Derek is considered the one who did the deed, then they had help covering things up, from Chavis.  The family house was also set on fire

                                          All three were charged. Chavis got thirty years in prison, while the boys got seven years in a juvenile facility (Alex) and Derek eight.  And would you believe, while in prison, Chavis wrote love letters to Alex?????????

                                          Of course, now out, the brothers, who are 26 and 27, respectively, are singing a different tune--of forgiveness, redemption and all that bullshit!  I don't believe a word of it!
Derek says he wants to settle down with a family of his own; I say this would be the worst thing for his wife and children!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            The King Brothers are sick!  And so is their trampy mother, who should have been locked behind bars, for Life!  She contributed as much to all this,as everyone!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Yes, girls, there are more cheerful posts coming up!  I promise!!!!!!!!!!!

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