Thursday, May 14, 2015

What A Combination, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           The rumor on the street is that Anne Hathaway, Oscar winner for Fantine in "Les Miserables," is going to be starring with one of Hollywood's biggest stars--namely Godzilla/Gojira, in his latest film.

                            According to a rare interview, granted to the Raving Queen, the lovable reptile, who prefers to be called Gojira, expressed excitement over the prospect.

                              "I have loved Anne," he says, "ever since 'Brokeback Mountain.'  I wish I could have worked with she and MERYL in "The Devil Wears Prada," and I cried real tears over her performance in "Les Miserables."

                                 "And I know Anne has wanted to work with me, as she has expressed in previous interviews. We haven't had a meeting, yet, because the script has not been written yet, and you know I have control over that.  But Anne and I will have several scenes."

                                 "You know, I am really a lovable guy," continued. Gojira.  "People misunderstand me from the 1954 Japanese classic. That was just a script. It was all acting.  It was not until the movie with the Smog Monster that TOHO allowed me to be seen as a social activist in protecting the world for everyone.  Which is what I am planning on having the new film emphasize."

                                     He is also a modest humanitarian, speaking humbly of his work with one of the greatest peace workers of the area, Sister Camille D'Arienzo.  I just love what she and the Sisters do. And anytime I can be of help, I am happy to be of service.

                                       In  fact Gojira and Sister Camille are planning to see the Broadway musical, "An American In Paris." He won't say what night, because he does not want to attract too much attention. But he has revealed he has purchased an elegant gift for her for the evening from Van Cleef And Arpels."

                                        "I also love children and dogs," he says. At fairs and festivals, the kids just love to slide down my tail.  I give them a special treat."

                                           "I can't wait to work with Anne," he reiterated. "But, this being one of my films, you can be sure there will be some fire breathing.  I've always been a flamer, darling!!!!!!!"

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