Monday, May 11, 2015

What An Inspiring Mantra!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    "Sheila: Am I doing something you don't like?
                                                                  I mean, you told me to be myself.
                                                      Zach:   Just bring it down.
                                                      Sheila: Bring.......what down?
                                                      Zach:   Your attitude.
                                                      ---Sheila and Zach in "A Chorus Line"

                                          When I saw this sign, dolls, I knew I had to have it on the wall of my office cubicle.  Why do so many people have a problem with attitude?  I say, they have a problem with individual personality.

                                             Speaking of "A Chorus Line" the one in it who I always saw myself as was Cassie, (Donna McKechnie) over qualified for lesser parts, not good enough to be a star. That's me, dolls--or so I thought. Whenever I discuss this aspect of the show, everyone always sees me as Sheila. I asked one person why, and he said, "Because you always tell it like it is!"

                                                Do I? Is this really how people perceive me?  How delightful!!!!!!!!!

                                                I always saw Sheila as a survivor. But, remember, at the end, she does not get hired.

                                                So, where is all this going?  Those of us of a more acerbic bent just cannot contain it.  I mean, where would Alexander Woollcott be if he had?

                                                 Some of us need to shine, darlings!  Even if we do the polishing ourselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 And those who call this attitude--I call it FABULOUSNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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