Tuesday, May 12, 2015

What A Way To Start The Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          No, darlings, I don't mean waking up, having to look at Seth Rudetsky, though he is nice to listen to on the radio or YouTube. Theater Queens generally aren't much to look at, though they are good conversationalists. Especially if one disagrees with the other, in which case one is set for the greatest bitch match there is.

                             Waking up to Daniel Radcliffe wouldn't be so bad; after all, he is so cute and perky, not unlike that young thing, Andrew Keenan-Bolger.  But it is what Daniel is about to have start his day that I would want. Let me see if I can give you girls a look!

                                 Now, watch carefully!  Daniel and Seth are just chatting away, when suddenly from off camera, comes the gorgeous voice of Audra, intoning, "Porgy, ah's your woman now," and on she walks to face extremely verklempt Daniel. But, then who wouldn't be?

                                  You know how much I would LOVE to start my day, with Audra singing Bess????????   Oh, my God; who wouldn't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Well, if you watch this video, you can.....sort of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Theater Queens are SO desperate, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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