Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Who The Hell Is Rikki Klieman???????????????????????????

                                  For the past week and a half, Investigation Discovery has been advertising this upcoming special, promoting police heroism, entitled "In The Line Of Fire."  It is to be shown on May 17 at 9PM.  I have no problem with this program; it might prove very interesting. But the promo's intro just cracks me up.

                                   Onto the screen comes this woman who can't even comb her hair, saying, like we are all expected to know, "I'm Rikki Klieman!!!!!!!!!!!"  Like, who the hell is she, anyway?  It's not she's a national figure, like Paula Zahn!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     And where is Darren (Kavinoky)?  Why can't he host this?  Or how about Candice DeLong??????????  These are known, recognizable figures.

                                      But Rikki Klieman?  She sounds like that Miss Teen Entitlement Thing from that film nine years back, the documentary "Stagedoor."  My God, has it really been nine years?  I wonder what Miss Randi is doing now?  Crashed and burned, I am sure?

                                       These two women bear no relation to each other, save for the initials and similarities in sound of their names.  I have a feeling Miss Klieman will eventually go the way of Miss Kleiner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Which is not very far at all, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. OMG rikki is the bomb. she was a lawyer then on Court TV during the early 2000s. i was sad when she left (i think because of her husband's job.) i'll have to keep an eye out for this show.


  2. Thanks so much! Had no idea who she was, and felt like I should have! This show should be very interesting!
