Monday, June 15, 2015

"A Tree Grows In Brooklyn," Darlings???????? No, "A Box Came To Brooklyn!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                Now, darlings, don't let this photo fool you, because it is not even what it says it is.

                                When I was first living by myself, in Bay Ridge, back in the Eighties, there was a street near me called Madeline Court.  That is what you are looking at, right now.  I was obsessed with this street, because it was off to the side, and like a nineteenth century street in London or thereabouts.  My fantasy, of course, was to live there, only that never materialized.

                                     But something has. Last week, while shopping at the market, we picked up a local paper, and found that a Park Slope filmmaker named Jason Cusato had made a film on that very street called "A Box Came To Brooklyn."  It was having its premiere Saturday night in Manhattan, and, let me tell you, I really wanted to go.  In fact, I still want to see the film, because the premise is an interesting one--an update of the classic Rod Serling "Twilight Zone" episode, "The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street."

                                     Hey, Jason, baby, I wanna be in one of your movies!  Honey, can I act??????  You should see my Fantine!  Though I can do other things, From your picture, some guys might call you cute, though you aren't as cute as my neighborhood boxer friend, Cujo!!!!!!!  What are you, 40ish or something???????????

                                     So, give the Raving Queen a call, Jace!  I can do anything from St. Bernadette to a serial killer!

                                      And tell us all how we can see your film!

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