Tuesday, June 16, 2015

How To Politicize Your Princess Palace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Screw that Man Cave shit!  If you feel you must have one, then hang out with the Dykes On Bikes, or the Hell's Angels!!!!!!!  I  mean, really!

                           Everyone should have their own Princess Palace.  Even if it isn't featured as a six page spread in "In Style Magazine!"

                           But how to politicize it?  Well, listen up, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Remember, back in the Sixties, those alabaster figures of usually sports players, with heads on springs, that bobbed back and forth?  Many of the adults I grew up with had these in their homes, which helped to develop my sense of sophistication, from learning exactly what was not.

                             Several years ago, my beloved and I walked into this antique shop in Bay Ridge, where there was this baseball set up, designed to fit in a play room, with a Virgin Mary in the center. Now, please don't ask me why a Virgin Mary was surrounded by a baseball background, except someone either had religious issues, or was out to design the tackiest thing imaginable.  Alongside Mary, they had these round, pool sized balls.  The set up suggested you were suppose to throw the balls  at Mary!!!!!!!  What?

                              Well, that is what my beloved did!  And he hit her!  I am amazed to this day, the image did not fall apart. but then Mary IS strong. She had to be, to raise Jesus!

                                 When this happened,  I felt all hell broke loose. I knew for sure a Fiery Suite was reserved for me in Hell on the spot, and there was this Italian guy who gave us such dirty looks, I dragged my beloved out of there, before he threw something at us, or got the Mob after us!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     But just recently, I had the most wonderful idea.

                                      Do the same set-up, but with the dolls, instead of Mary!!!!!!!

                                       And the dolls would not be sports figures, but political!   For instance--

                                       Chris Christie, Sarah Palin
, Condoleezza Rice, Jeb Bush, Hillary Clinton,
and the Rev,. Al Sharpton!  Now, isn't that a lively group!

                                         I am telling you, girls, your new game room would be the talk of your neighborhood Princess Palace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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